Çok değerli mentörlerimiz Paulien Hamstra ve Joob Vos, 11 Kasım 2022 tarihinde yuvamıza konuk oldular. Hem ziyaretleri hem de Boyalıkuş için söyledikleri bizleri onurlandırdı, gururlandırdı.
Mentörlerimize ve çatı derneğimiz ESDD’ye teşekkür ediyoruz. Bir sonraki ziyaretlerini sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz.

Paulien Hamstra’nın mentör ziyareti raporundan alıntılar:
“It is a wonder how the team managed to succeed in the creation of a beautiful Waldorf kindergarden. The whole fysical environment is showing the Waldorf spirit of this initiative : a beautiful house and garden, well organised and attractive to children. The garden is full of possibilities for development of the four senses involved in the first seven years.”
“I saw good free play here as well outdoor as indoor. I coud see that teachers are working on good habits. They are very attent and very caring. Children are seen! I saw high quality Waldorf approach of really difficult situations. The team works hard on their knowledge of the Waldorf pedogagy.”